A new class of educators

Education has so far avoided the kind of major disruptions we have seen in the media and publishing businesses — or the music and travel industries (to name just a few). Why? Simple, inertia. In secondary education (K-12 in the US) it has been the teacher’s unions...

Success. Failure. Bust. Boom.

In their overview blog post from Techonomy 2012,  Sarah Evelyn Harvey and Adrienne Burke describe it as “a conference about how the exponential pace of technology process makes possible a new world. We are gathering a diverse group of expert voices for a...

Want to become a real player?

Angry at yourself for wasting time playing Angry Birds too much? Maybe you’re not wasting all that time; maybe you’re just learning how to be more resilient. Jane McGonigal invented the game SuperBetter, wrote a book titled Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better...

Hail the agile leader

“What is dangerous is not to evolve.” That’s a quote that I included in my first e-book. It’s from Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of Amazon. In an excellent recent blog post, Jason Fried offers “Some advice from Jeff Bezos”, which expanded my appreciation for Bezos’...

Families, Businesses and Leaders

With the recent passing of Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, the former publisher of The New York Times (NYT) and Chairman and CEO of The New York Times Co., much is being said about the transformative years of expansion and change under his 34-year tenure. His obituary talks...

Imitation Really Is Suicide

Are senior executives failing to deliver on their organisation´s long-term competitiveness? A recent McKinsey Quarterly article suggests that they are. If true, what does that say about the role of “successful” CEOs and their leadership teams? If they are...