Change? Change. Change!

“If you do not change direction”, said Lao Tzu, “you may end up where you are heading.” I’ve been thinking about those ancient words of wisdom for some time now. The reason is really quite simple. Nextsensing is about what needs to be...

Being Creative: The Only Way To Go

When did Noah build the ark? Before the rains started. Then again (and I am not trying to become theological here), he had a stern and specific wake-up call that told him to start building the ark. What has this to do with anything tied to you and your firm? Well, if...

Too Smart To Fail

In Europe these days, a lot of people are talking about “too big to fail”. For example, Denmark’s biggest banks recently asked the government to tell them exactly how far it would go to bail them out of a financial crisis, if one occurred. An analogy...

Look For Next In The Creative Economy

Don’t miss the thoughtful post by Steve Denning on, the one in which he speaks of “Leadership In The Three-Speed Economy”. It’s one of the best snapshots of “where we are” (in a global sense) in terms of business, society...

Talk About Driving Change!

When I was a young boy growing up in Detroit, you bought a new car every year. If you worked at General Motors, you had to drive their latest new model. Same for Ford and Chrysler. It seemed that every family in one way or another worked for the automobile industry....

The New, Personal Publishing Revolution

Oxford Dictionaries tells me that the word and concept of a “magazine” goes way back: “The term originally meant ‘store’ and was often used from the mid 17th century in the title of books providing information useful to particular groups...