The Future of Driving Is Electric

The Future of Driving Is Electric

Peter Valdes-Dape­na (@peterdrives) report­ed yes­ter­day that the end is com­ing for petrol-pow­ered ver­hi­cles. “A num­ber of coun­tries around the world are look­ing to move away from fuel-burn­ing auto­mo­biles. India, France, Britain and Nor­way all want to...
Are humans really necessary?

Are humans really necessary?

It was two days of great minds exchang­ing thoughts about sus­tain­able lead­er­ship, man­age­ment, inno­va­tion — and tech­nol­o­gy. It hap­pened in War­saw on 26 – 27 April, and I was both a keynote speak­er and one of 61 peo­ple on six pan­els dis­cussing...
Pareto On Steroids

Pareto On Steroids

Vilfre­do Fed­eri­co Dama­so Pare­to was born in Italy in 1848,” wrote Kevin Kruse (@Kruse) for @Forbes [link] about a year ago. And he does as good a job as any­one at sum­ming up why Pareto’s think­ing is remem­bered today. Leg­end has it that one day he...
Sick and Tired of Being Treated and Dying

Sick and Tired of Being Treated and Dying

If you are seri­ous­ly ill, your first thought is to go to a hos­pi­tal. But in the US, that move may kill you. I am not kid­ding. Con­sid­er these recent words from Rob­by Berman (@everyrobby): Let’s get right to it: the third lead­ing cause of death in the...
Leaders Take Imaginative Leaps

Leaders Take Imaginative Leaps

The lead­ers I most admire have the uncan­ny abil­i­ty to take imag­i­na­tive leaps. Con­sid­er Reed Hast­ings (@reedhastings), the CEO of Net­flix. Hast­ings is one of the pio­neers of alter­na­tive tele­vi­sion, and Net­flix stock has been on fire for...