Learn more. Dream more. Give more. Grow more.

Learn more. Dream more. Give more. Grow more.

M “ost peo­ple yearn to con­tribute, make the world a bet­ter place and have suc­cess… all at the same time.… Make sure to give your busi­ness a back­ground, a mis­sion and a sto­ry. That might be the most impor­tant step part of any ven­ture. And...
The Kinetic Entrepreneur

The Kinetic Entrepreneur

In archi­tec­ture, the most overused word today seems to be “icon­ic”. In busi­ness, the word is “entre­pre­neur”. That’s not sim­ply because a Google search of the word yields 217 mil­lion results. The word is used much too loose­ly. I have heard the word...
Keeping The Spirit of Peter Drucker Alive

Keeping The Spirit of Peter Drucker Alive

Peter Drucker’s lega­cy is secure­ly locked into the future. In 2005 (the year Druck­er died), Mark Mor­ri­son on Bloomberg called Drucker’s writ­ings “mon­u­men­tal”, and few would dis­agree. Said Mor­ri­son: “One of Drucker’s many strong points as a leader of...
Star Trek: Beyond The Final Frontier

Star Trek: Beyond The Final Frontier

Gene Rod­den­ber­ry had failed. Yes, he had been a World War II pilot who flew 89 mis­sions and had won the Dis­tin­guished Fly­ing Cross. Yes, he had pub­lished poems and sto­ries. And, yes, as a spokesman and speech­writer for the chief of the Los Ange­les...
Seven Great Quotes by Alvin Toffler

Seven Great Quotes by Alvin Toffler

Alvin Tof­fler was emi­nent­ly quotable because he was emi­nent­ly bril­liant. His lega­cy will be a long one [link]. “The future arrives too soon and in the wrong order,” was one Tof­fler line that has stuck with me. And his sen­ti­ment that “our moral...