In Sports, Big Data Is A Big Pain

In Sports, Big Data Is A Big Pain

Base­ball fans around the world will soon be watch­ing and lis­ten­ing for the first crack­ing sound of a bat try­ing to inter­cept a base­ball hurled at speeds exceed­ing 100 miles per hour [link]. The US base­ball sea­son begins anew on 29 March 2018...
Coming: History’s Longest Unemployment Line?

Coming: History’s Longest Unemployment Line?

Given the ris­ing fear of tech­nol­o­gy replac­ing work­ers, I shared my thoughts on “The Future of Human Work Is Imag­i­na­tion, Cre­ativ­i­ty, and Strat­e­gy” [link] as a recent post for Har­vard Busi­ness Review (@HarvardBiz). I not­ed that many have...
An Entrepreneurial Religion?

An Entrepreneurial Religion?

You may already be famil­iar with Eric Ries (@eicries) as he has received abun­dant and well-deserved cov­er­age for the “Lean Start­up” move­ment [link]. His book on the sub­ject was a best­seller [link], and you can hear him speak about it on YouTube [link] as...
Revolution In The Air

Revolution In The Air

Is the busi­ness world due for a rev­o­lu­tion? That was the idea behind a bril­liant clos­ing address by Charles Handy [link] giv­en last week at the 9th Glob­al Peter Druck­er Forum in Vien­na [link]. I sensed a degree of rest­less­ness among the...
Think Global, Innovate Local

Think Global, Innovate Local

Glob­al needs. In a recent post for the Druck­er Forum [link], I wrote about a way for any com­pa­ny, team, or indi­vid­ual to begin nextsens­ing [link]: Many econ­o­mists speak of GDP, the gross domes­tic prod­uct of a coun­try; a few...