Keeping The Spirit of Peter Drucker Alive

Keeping The Spirit of Peter Drucker Alive

Peter Drucker’s lega­cy is secure­ly locked into the future. In 2005 (the year Druck­er died), Mark Mor­ri­son on Bloomberg called Drucker’s writ­ings “mon­u­men­tal”, and few would dis­agree. Said Mor­ri­son: “One of Drucker’s many strong points as a leader of...
New Next Now (June 2016)

New Next Now (June 2016)

We have a ter­rif­ic col­lec­tion of arti­cles, books, pod­casts, videos and ideas-in-oth­er-forms for you this month. We even spot­light Steven D’Souza, one of our NextSen­sors! Thanks in advance for check­ing out this month’s edi­tion of… Lead with your left...

Turning Entrepreneurship Upside Down

Newton Campos, a good friend who lives in São Paulo, Brazil, is one of those rare people who is at home in both the business world and academe. He’s executive vice-director of the Private Equity and Venture Capital Research Center at FGV-SP — and...

The Ambidextrous Leader

People think differently. But how is it that entrepreneurs think differently? For, if we totally understood that — and could teach the approach — we should be able to develop more entrepreneurs. Here’s an ultra-quick briefing on what we know....

The Death Of The Smartphone

If you take a look at the performance of Apple of late, it’s not pretty. Check the one year chart on MarketWatch, and you’ll see that — after climbing to a 52-week high of $705.07/share — it has come back to the price that it was about a year...