Don’t Mess With Tesla

Search “Tesla” online and you’ll most likely find, first, the amazing electric car company by that name [link]. Makes sense. On a recent trip to Chicago, I saw the car first-hand and kept saying to myself, “Fantastic! Fantastic!” Now,...

Goodbye, Innovation?

“Is it just me or is the word innovation being overused to point where it loses its meaning?” So tweeted the brilliant film-maker Tiffany Shlain (@tiffanyshlain) recently. What a coincidence. I had just finished reading a truly first-rate essay [link] on...

New Thinking Will Be Born Free

Bill and Melinda Gates want academic research to be free for all. They feel so strongly about it that The Gates Foundation (@gatesfoundation), which reportedly spends $900 million per year on scientific research, will (beginning in two years) only fund research that...

From Dynamos To Dinosaurs

In business, dinosaurs may be big but none is invulnerable. And, when they become vulnerable, death can be swift. Digital Music News (@digitalmusicnws) created an excellent animated graphic [link] to show just how rapidly compact discs (starting in 1983) replaced...

Learn, Unlearn, Relearn

It’s back-to-school time for people — but what about for companies? We normally associate the end of summer with the beginning of a school year, yet there is no such concept for corporations. That’s wrong. In my first post for 2014 (“The #1...

Simple Bag Yields Huge Harvest

Leaps to “what’s next” are not always high-tech. Consider the PICS bag. “PICS” stands for the Purdue Improved Crop Storage bag, a two-dollar item, which is making a huge difference to people in Africa. Betsy Teutsch (@BetsyTeutsch) tells...