Has Television Become A Railroad?

Has the TV world hit a “marketing myopia” moment? In 1960, Theodore Levitt published a now famous article in Harvard Business Review [link]. It was titled “Marketing Myopia”, and it was immediately recognized as a classic, winning the McKinsey...

Search Outside; Think Inside

You can’t sit at your desk and nextsense. I’m betting that resonates with most people, because it is obvious to most that looking inside one’s company is not likely to lead to the path of the corporate future. Yet, there are so many companies whose...

Big Concerns With Big Data

Last October, I commented on the current trend of relying on “big data” to help in decision thinking [ see post ]. David Brooks, in a recent post for The New York Times, gave an interesting twist to the same area of discussion. He opens with the story a...

Always On Isn’t Always Smart

Starting this year, people working at Daimler will not have to come back from vacations with an e-mailbox jammed with correspondence they missed during their days off. Nor is Daimler asking them to attend to these e-mails while they are away. Instead, e-mails...

Digital: The Next Industrial Revolution

In newly built (or renovated) homes in developed countries, it’s not unusual to have thermostats that control when different parts of the house are heated or cooled. A step beyond that are more computerised thermostats that can sense whether anyone is in a room or not...