Coming: Dips, Rocks and Thunderstorms

A recent tweet by 7billCORPORATE (@7billcorp, part of @7billionideas) really nailed the truth about innovation and business. On 30 January 2015 via Twitter, a brilliant graphic was added to a post that contrasted the perception many people have about the path to...

Extinction Is Forever

While it’s easy to find news about the top leaders of most countries, those who are at the top of businesses rarely make news unless it’s about a company breakthrough or the opposite, a company scandal. Yet there are thousands of CEOs around the world, who...

Les Bizerables

One of the great things about today’s Internet is how easy it is to collaborate with others. A few weeks ago, I appeared on the website of Deborah Mills-Scofield; this week, I spotted Deb’s thoughts appearing on Tanveer Naseer’s great website. But it...

Imitation Really Is Suicide

Are senior executives failing to deliver on their organisation´s long-term competitiveness? A recent McKinsey Quarterly article suggests that they are. If true, what does that say about the role of “successful” CEOs and their leadership teams? If they are...