Is anyone safe from the future?

The Economist is one of the best-written journals published. And while it skews toward a conservative bent, it doesn’t shy away from taking on BIG questions. The cover story from the January 12 issue is a good example. “Innovation pessimism: Has the ideas machine...

Trendsetters And Misfits

Most people I know tell me that there was at least one person in their lives who changed their perspective, opened their eyes or became unforgettable personalities. I find this also applies to people whom you “meet” via news stories, recordings or Internet blogs. Joi...

Young Professionals Finding Their Next

Decades ago, Peter Drucker pointed out the arrival of what he called “knowledge workers”, whom Drucker suggested might need to be thought of more as volunteers than workers. Despite this early understanding — foresense — of where things were headed, many...

Does Facebook have a future? (Part 2 of 2)

In my last post, I reported on comments made in an interview by two senior Facebook leaders (one the Chief Operating Officer, the other a board member) regarding the company’s critical need to monetise its one-billion-member base. I noted that Facebook (at...

Does Facebook have a future? (Part 1 of 2)

Facebook has been under enormous scrutiny of late. Of course, there are those who track the site ferociously, either as ultra-keen Facebook members or as journalists who have been assigned the Facebook “beat”. Then, there is the investing world, which has...