Star Trek: Beyond The Final Frontier

Star Trek: Beyond The Final Frontier

Gene Rod­den­ber­ry had failed. Yes, he had been a World War II pilot who flew 89 mis­sions and had won the Dis­tin­guished Fly­ing Cross. Yes, he had pub­lished poems and sto­ries. And, yes, as a spokesman and speech­writer for the chief of the Los Ange­les...
New Next Now (July 2016)

New Next Now (July 2016)

It’s July and here is our month­ly review of some of the too-numer­ous-to-track stim­u­lat­ing arti­cles, books, videos, and ideas-in-oth­er-forms that we have tagged for you. Nextsens­ing minds are always stretch­ing to see beyond the mar­ket­place hori­zon. Our...

Risk Is Our Business!

In the original “Star Trek” series (think Captain Kirk, Spock, McCoy…), one episode stands out for me. It is about the time when the starship Enterprise encounters yet another alien life form and some of the senior officers think it is too risky to...