New Next Now (Trends for August 2017)

New Next Now (Trends for August 2017)

Sav­ing the world, one video game at a time. Sound unbe­liev­able? Accord­ing to Rachel Ament (@rachelament) at @NPR, sev­er­al indie game devel­op­ers are hop­ing to do just that. Just this year, 17-year-old game design­er Sky­lar Thomas part­nered with PETA’s...
The Story of Next (Is A Human Story)

The Story of Next (Is A Human Story)

In 2012, when The Nextsens­ing Project began, I want­ed to write a series of three e-books to explain (1) the mind­set, (2) the toolset, and (3) the skill set of a 21C leader. The jour­ney since then has been filled with a lot of hap­py...

New Next Now (April 2016)

And now (as they say), time for something completely different. So many great articles, books, videos and ideas-in-other-forms flow through The Nextsensing Project that it has not been possible to blog on all of them. To remedy that, once a month, we plan to bring you...

Goodbye, Innovation?

“Is it just me or is the word innovation being overused to point where it loses its meaning?” So tweeted the brilliant film-maker Tiffany Shlain (@tiffanyshlain) recently. What a coincidence. I had just finished reading a truly first-rate essay [link] on...