New eBook! Apple and the Opportunity Canvas

A company without a clear view of its own future stumbles ahead into uncertainty. This is the subject of my first e-book, Getting to Next: The Urgent Need for Nextsensing [link]. Today, I am posting my second e-book — one that introduces the best tool I know for...

My Company Doesn’t Need A “Next”!

You may be in an industry that is so basic, so fundamental, that the idea of a “next” probably seems absurd. Take sandbags. I’m not sure how many companies make sandbags, but there are lots of places that sell them. Worldwide. Which makes sense:...

Three Ways To Renew You As A Leader

If you quickly review “Extinction Is Forever” [link], a blog I wrote last April, you’ll understand why I think “renewal” should be on your mind these days. In that post, I reported on a survey done by the PwC consultancy (@PwC_LLC), which...