There’s a new series of profiles on Fast Company that ties neatly to (and expands upon) the theme of my post on next generation workers.

As I read Robert Safian’s profile of Mark Parker at Nike or Troy Carter at Atom Factory — or the insights provided by Anjali Mullany while discussing the question “How Does Technology Make It Harder To Lead, And How Does It Make It Easier?”, I enjoyed seeing the basic concepts of nextsensing brought to life. In sum, Fast Company’s “Generation Flux Salon” is, if you will, an atlas of companies/locations where nextsensing seems to be a way of doing business.

Fast Company 11/05/12There’s some great information here. Yet, it would be wrong to conclude that nextsensing is restricted to those of a particular generation. Younger or older, the way the world is moving requires that those determined to keep their companies vital must have the right mindset, toolset and skillset. And that’s one of the major goals of this project and weblog: to explore, study and share news about nextsensing.