12 Great Quotes On Rejuvenation

12 Great Quotes On Rejuvenation

Whet­her you are in the north­ern or the south­ern hemi­sphere, Sep­tem­ber seems to be a month that fore­tells not only a change of sea­sons but also pos­si­bly big­ger changes as well. Per­son­al changes. For every New Year’s res­o­lu­tion that I have...

Three Ways To Renew You As A Leader

If you quickly review “Extinction Is Forever” [link], a blog I wrote last April, you’ll understand why I think “renewal” should be on your mind these days. In that post, I reported on a survey done by the PwC consultancy (@PwC_LLC), which...

Young Professionals Finding Their Next

Decades ago, Peter Drucker pointed out the arrival of what he called “knowledge workers”, whom Drucker suggested might need to be thought of more as volunteers than workers. Despite this early understanding — foresense — of where things were headed, many...