Seven Great Quotes by Alvin Toffler

Seven Great Quotes by Alvin Toffler

Alvin Tof­fler was emi­nent­ly quotable because he was emi­nent­ly bril­liant. His lega­cy will be a long one [link]. “The future arrives too soon and in the wrong order,” was one Tof­fler line that has stuck with me. And his sen­ti­ment that “our moral...

Have A Merry… Robot?

Robots are not as new as you might think, but the threat of robots replacing human workers has been a persistent topic of discussion since at least the 1980s. While Leonardo da Vinci had the concept of a mechanical knight in 1435 [link], the latest “oh...

Intimidated? Terrified? Prepared?

You can get there from here. I’m speaking of the future, which many managers and leaders I meet seem to consider far more of a threat than an opportunity. There’s a reason for that. Any athlete, artist, health provider, politician or scientist who —...

Succeeding By Not Knowing

I had the pleasure of knowing Steven D’Souza long before the start of the Nextsensing Project. He has been a colleague and good friend for nearly a decade. In this post (based on his new book), I believe you will find Steven to be a thought leader who quickly...