12 Great Quotes On Rejuvenation

Whether you are in the northern or the southern hemisphere, September seems to be a month that foretells not only a change of seasons but also possibly bigger changes as well. Personal changes. For every New Year’s resolution that I have made, it is often the decisions made several months earlier than January 1 that seem to have made the greater changes in my life. What hits me is that September is a month of rejuvenation! So allow me to share a dozen quotes that I find insightful, but most of all, refreshing!

Best Summer Reads 2018

It’s elementary: “The more that you read, the more things you will know,” Said Dr. Sesuss. “The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” August and September are great months to exhale and do some mind-stretching via a few great books. Here are five 2018 releases that I highly recommend.

The New Language of Entrepreneurs

The new matrix framework that we are designing as both a concept and as an assessment tool enables people to find their starting point as an entrepreneur. It’s no longer a binary matter: that you are or are not an entrepreneur. Our new approach makes entrepreneurship like a language of moves to be mastered and used in different combinations in different situations.

The Death of Time

The reality is that those who are growing up with Instant Reply technology have no recollection of anything different. For these, shall we call them “digital natives”, the physical world is broken simply because it does not move at the speed of their digital lives. I see over and over with would-be entrepreneurs whose start-up ideas are designed to “fix” something in the physical world that is “just too slow”.

To Do Or Not To Do?

I recognize myself in the bullet points presented by the author. Often, when I feel that my work and personal life has become a web of perplexity, I often think of that sportswear ad that advises, “Just do it.” Only, in my head, I say to myself, “Just do something!” Not doing something seems like a dereliction of my duty as a human being. Or, as Steven and Diana note when they describe how inaction feels, most times, for most people. “It is natural to associate Not Doing with…”

In Sports, Big Data Is A Big Pain

As someone who was raised to appreciate the psychology of the game of baseball, any automation of the game hurts. To my mind, big data and analytics matter, yet often a baseball player’s performance is affected more by human inputs such as emotion. Nothing can boost a hitter’s batting average than a home cooked meal or a visit from family or friends.

Coming: History’s Longest Unemployment Line?

In no way do I want to discount the workplace trauma that is here to stay as companies of every size invest in new technologies. The work world is going through major change, and people will be affected. Yet, my optimism remains string that opportunities will emerge from these substantial threats to our livelihoods — if we can think clearly and operate today with a foresense of what is coming tomorrow.

Keeping The Spirit of Peter Drucker Alive

Keeping The Spirit of Peter Drucker Alive

I first encountered Drucker’s thinking in 1979 when I was an undergrad student in the US. “There is nothing so useless,” Drucker once said, “as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.” That kind of thinking resonated with me then, and now. It will never go out of style.

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Star Trek: Beyond The Final Frontier

Star Trek: Beyond The Final Frontier

Thinking of the age-old debate about whether life imitates art or art imitates life, my sense is that, either way, both begin with human imagination. The bottom line is that once the human imagination is summoned, and directed to a point somewhere in the future, it changes outcomes. Is that not useful for leaders in the 21st century?

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New Next Now (August 2016)

New Next Now (August 2016)

Here’s our monthly review of the best of the many articles, books, videos and ideas-in-other-forms that our Deputy Editor Kyle Elzy has found for you. The nextsensing mind, we believe, is always stretching to see beyond the marketplace horizon. Let’s get started …

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Seven Great Quotes by Alvin Toffler

Seven Great Quotes by Alvin Toffler

“The future arrives too soon and in the wrong order,” was one Toffler line that has stuck with me. And his sentiment that “our moral responsibility is not to stop the future, but to shape it… to channel our destiny in humane directions and to try to ease the trauma of transition” was a call to action that still inspires me.

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New Next Now (July 2016)

New Next Now (July 2016)

It’s July and here is our monthly review of some of the too-numerous-to-track stimulating articles, books, videos, and ideas-in-other-forms that we have tagged for you. Nextsensing minds are always stretching to see beyond the marketplace horizon.

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The Story of Next (Is A Human Story)

The Story of Next (Is A Human Story)

As the final e-book in the three-part series, as noted, the subject at hand is the skill set that a nextsensing leader needs to survive in the turbulent times in which we all live. You’ll find, in both the e-book and video, a list of four key skills that our project team believes are essential for anyone leading an enterprise of any size. These four abilities are so essential we have tagged them “nextabilities”.

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