In Sports, Big Data Is A Big Pain

In Sports, Big Data Is A Big Pain

Base­ball fans around the world will soon be watch­ing and lis­ten­ing for the first crack­ing sound of a bat try­ing to inter­cept a base­ball hurled at speeds exceed­ing 100 miles per hour [link]. The US base­ball sea­son begins anew on 29 March 2018...
Sick and Tired of Being Treated and Dying

Sick and Tired of Being Treated and Dying

If you are seri­ous­ly ill, your first thought is to go to a hos­pi­tal. But in the US, that move may kill you. I am not kid­ding. Con­sid­er these recent words from Rob­by Berman (@everyrobby): Let’s get right to it: the third lead­ing cause of death in the...

Big Concerns With Big Data

Last October, I commented on the current trend of relying on “big data” to help in decision thinking [ see post ]. David Brooks, in a recent post for The New York Times, gave an interesting twist to the same area of discussion. He opens with the story a...

Big Data and Design Thinking

Big data analytics is big now in the digital world. Take a moment to think about all the data being collected somewhere every minute about people’s transactions, purchases, complaints, bookings, cancellations, preferences and requests. The chance to harness all...