To Do Or Not To Do?

To Do Or Not To Do?

Move over, Shake­speare. “To be or not to be” is no longer the ques­tion of the moment. Diana Ren­ner [link] and Steven D’Souza [link] have a bet­ter ques­tion for this mani­a­cal­ly active busi­ness and social world. The two authors (Steven is also one of our...
Revolution In The Air

Revolution In The Air

Is the busi­ness world due for a rev­o­lu­tion? That was the idea behind a bril­liant clos­ing address by Charles Handy [link] giv­en last week at the 9th Glob­al Peter Druck­er Forum in Vien­na [link]. I sensed a degree of rest­less­ness among the...

Have A Merry… Robot?

Robots are not as new as you might think, but the threat of robots replacing human workers has been a persistent topic of discussion since at least the 1980s. While Leonardo da Vinci had the concept of a mechanical knight in 1435 [link], the latest “oh...

Investment Or Insanity?

Is quarterly capitalism holding companies back from getting to their next state of development? This is not a new question nor a new issue in the world of management. Many thinkers have slammed the well-established practice of business leaders doing anything necessary...

How To Get A Phenomenal Education

“What we need now is a different kind of education,” says Pasi Silander, the development manager in Helsinki, Finland. He adds that education should now be aimed “to prepare people for working life.” The changes in education in Finland were...

What The World Needs Now

Hundreds attended. News was made. And I left the World Knowledge Forum in Seoul, Korea, last week, with some strong impressions about what the organisational world is searching for today. First, the backdrop: this was the 15th such forum, and the theme was...