Seven Great Quotes by Alvin Toffler

Seven Great Quotes by Alvin Toffler

Alvin Tof­fler was emi­nent­ly quotable because he was emi­nent­ly bril­liant. His lega­cy will be a long one [link]. “The future arrives too soon and in the wrong order,” was one Tof­fler line that has stuck with me. And his sen­ti­ment that “our moral...
New Next Now (July 2016)

New Next Now (July 2016)

It’s July and here is our month­ly review of some of the too-numer­ous-to-track stim­u­lat­ing arti­cles, books, videos, and ideas-in-oth­er-forms that we have tagged for you. Nextsens­ing minds are always stretch­ing to see beyond the mar­ket­place hori­zon. Our...